A taste of Summer.

Last week I wrote about how much I have grown to dislike surfing in the cold months of Winter.  Well, it seemed that no sooner had I hit publish, the weather shifted, in that the sun came out, and dare I say it, the first signs of Spring emerged.  Someone on a much higher plain must have taken pity on me!

This changes everything.  Already I can feel the pangs of stoke that I get each year at this time, signifying the start of several months of surfing in comfort, although comfort is a relative term, but when compared to cold water surfing, it is wholly appropriate.

I have already begun the ritual taking stock of my surfing equipment, the main boards have been checked over, and everything is in place for the day that I make my annual come back, the day that I remerge into the surfing world!  I find this feeling heartening, for it reaffirms my stoke, which admittedly lies almost dormant for a little while each year.  But as of now, just looking at my boards brings it all back.  The anticipation of sessions in the sun, not to mention long bike rides, carving on skateboards and generally soaking up each and every moment gives me a genuine feeling of excitement, in the same ay that it always does. 

I know it is still very early, in fact we could still be subjected to a spell of freezing conditions, in fact, I would say that this is kind of inevitable.  But this weather has served as a little reminder that fair weather is ahead. I only hope that the waves and sunshine are delivered in ample amounts in the coming months. My fingers are crossed!



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