On my bike.

I went out cycling again last night after work, it was only a short ride, ten miles at most, but so much fun!  Now I am not what you would call a dedicated cyclist, I don't go out in bad weather, I don't time myself and I do it purely for the fun of it. I also try my very best to avoid roads, for me cars and bikes simply do not mix.

I love to take the time to look at the view, say hello to people and generally appreciate being out in the countryside or on the coast having got there through using my own energy, and nothing else.

They have opened up lots of new trails near to where I live, in fact you can see a section of one of them from my house.  And they are fantastic, the views are astounding and give a whole new perspective of an area that I thought I knew well.  They combine open countryside, with woodland and coast.  Last night the weather was super fine, so everything looked amazing, the land so green and the Atlantic sparkled in the evening sun.  There was some swell running to, so this added another dimension to the experience.  The combination of serene country, right next to the power and energy of the ocean provides a great contrast, not to mention an amazing colour combination.

And then there's the wildlife, on a bike you see so much of it, arguably more so than when I am out walking.  Although Bella, the unruly little black dog might have at least something to do with the wildlife running to the hills when she's in the vicinity!

Being out on my bike provides some excellent thinking time, I find that it gives me the space that enables me to work things out, or to simply get them out of my system.  It also gives me that feeling of being in the moment. There are precious few ways that I can achieve this, but when it happens it stays with me for quite a time afterwards.

Surfing does on occasion provide these things for me, but the sessions that enable me to pretty much detach from the everyday world, as well as to fully appreciate the natural elements are rare, for a number of reasons.  That said, it does sometimes happen, more often than not on smaller days, when I am out on my longboard, in a quiet line up with no distractions, feeling so relaxed.  I find that these are the days that I remember fondly, much more so than the busy surfs where it all seems so busy and hectic, not to mention increasingly competitive, which can sometimes border on being stressful.

So I have decided to try and make these sessions more prevalent, to do my very best to capture the things I love about being out on my bike while I am surfing.  This will mean some forward planning to avoid the crowds and the hub bub of modern surfing, but I really want my surfing to provide me with this connection with the natural world and level of contentment that I so crave.  I am fairly confident that this change in outlook will rejuvenate my love of surfing and I am really looking forward to sharing my experiences on here.


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