Bella Vita, Surfing and Pure Italian Style.

This weekend I had the pleasure of watching Bella Vita, Jason Baffa's latest surf film. I had been looking forward to this for quite some time. Having treated myself to a copy of the DVD from Mollusk while in San Francisco, it received its debut in our house on Saturday evening. I had anticipated that it would be a great film, based upon Single Fin Yellow and my all time favorite, One California Day. I wasn't disappointed, not at all. The film is made beautifully. For a start it is shot entirely in 35mm, giving it a really lovely look and feel, capturing the colours of the Mediterranean and the Tuscany countryside in their full vibrance. The narrative is absolutely lovely, providing an insightful look at so much, surfing related as well as Italian customs and culture. Put simply, the film has got soul. As for the surfing, well that is everything you would want it to be, plenty of great footage of CDM, styling in the Italian wave...