A Hoppy Taste of California.

Whenever I get back from my travels I always hold on to the feeling by enjoying the things that I had while I was away, if possible.  One of these things is beer.

Beers sampled and enjoyed on European visits are usually pretty easy to come by at home, my favourites of American Craft variety less so.

Many of these are produced by small, local breweries, as such they are only available in the immediate area, even some of the larger ones do not export.  However, luckily for me one of my all time favourite beers is Anchor Steam, which you can find over here, it's quite rare, but obtainable, with a bit of effort. So I thought that this would be a nice treat that reminded me of my trip.

A quick search found several possible sources online, but I also tracked some down and found some in a shop just around the corner.  The guy on the phone told me that he only had a few cases left, so as the weather was conducive to beer drinking I feared that they would all be gone by the weekend.  A trip to said shop immediately took place.

I located the craft beers in the shop, and sure enough there was the Anchor Steam, but wait, what is that I spy.  Why it was no less than Lagunitas IPA, a beer that I discovered on this last trip, sampled at several stages throughout Northern California, including on a Delta Airlines flight from SF to LA, served in a glass bottle, which I though was against regulations, but there you go, and I wasn't complaining.  Anyway, I never for a minute thought that I would be able to find it back at home, never mind in a shop a few minutes from my work.

Oh how wrong I was, and I am so glad that I will be enjoying a few of them over the weekend.


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