The Hot Generation

It has to be said that I do like a hot hatch, especially the original generation of Golfs, Sciroccos and the 205.  Sadly, these days most of them are either long gone, or worse still have fallen into the hands of those who have seen fit to destroy them in the name of 'modifications'.  When I see the latter I feel genuine sadness, for they have been truly ruined, and you just know that they will suffer a fast demise ending at the scrap heap, losing their dignity not to mention classic good looks along the way.

You can almost see the sorrow in their faces about having their features altered in a way that turns a fantastic design in to something that is wholly ugly.  Volkswagen and alike spent millions in developing these clean, classic designs that have stood the test of time, so why these people want to destroy this I do not know.

I am such a purist that I cannot stand seeing the slightest modification, whether that be the wrong wheels, the addition of body kits and spoilers that simply shouldn't be there. Worst of all is that hideous trend that involves debadging, removing the bumpers and smoothing out the lines and contours, effectively destroying the very look, not to mention soul of the car.

Fortunately, there are still a few original, stock examples around, I wish that I could buy them all, if only to save them from being ruined!


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