
This blog is dedicated to things that roll on wheels and slide on waves.  More specifically, it is a celebration of many of the things that I have a real passion for, namely old cars and vans (both the shoes and the vehicles), as well as the more stylish, inspirational and down right classic elements of surfing and skateboarding.  Much of what I write about will be based upon my own experiences, many of which took place during what I would define as being the golden era, for me at least.  Namely the time when I first entered into the incredible, exciting and down right magical world of surfing and skating.  I am talking about the fantastic 1980's!

That said, it is not limited in any way, shape or form. If it rolls on wheels, can be defined as a board-riding, or if I just happen to like it, it is almost certainly going to be included.  

This is Carving Nostalgia, I hope you enjoy the ride!

It is a non-commercial, purely for the fun of it project and I don’t lay claim to any of the photographs, film clips etc that are featured, unless stated as such.  I am afraid that not all of which will be credited, simply because I have collected the images mainly from Google images and a like over a period of time.  As such I do not recall the source and cannot be certain that they originated from the initial owner when I obtained them in the first place.  If I have used your work, then I thank you and would be more than happy to credit you if you would like me to, please just get in touch and let me know.

Tim Crowe, January 2014.

Me, doing what I love.  HB in the OC. Taken a few years ago.


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